
Comments (9)

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How many Five Nights at Jax Justun's games are there???

I like how you use your OCs for your games

This 17th Five Nights at Jax Justun's is going to be big and really MASSIVE!!!!

I know it has been a few months since this future #17thFNatJJ's game had its future updates and everything!!!! But fear not, because this game's not going anywhere!!!! It'll surely have more and more future updates when time goes on by!!!! Have a nice and safe day folks and be respectful to our kind!!!! #MinecraftiaLovesYouAll!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!

This is by far one of my most updated future-like FNAF fan-made of a parody game that I'd ever made so far!!!!!!!! This is like the #NUMBER1MOSTUPDATED Future Parody Fan-made Game of the YEAR of 2024!!!! #ThatsWild!!!!!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!!!

Game Soundtrack

39 songs

Custom Night Music #3/Character Teaser Posters Video Song!!!!

Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia


(Short Message Created on: Jan. 17th, 2024)

Guess who's here?!?!?!?!!! Find out more in some FUTURE Updates!!!!! #LegendsNverGiveUp!!!


Episode One: Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia - (Chapter One: Revenge of the Minecraft World!!!)

STORY for Chapter/Episode One Only (Created on: Jan. 17th, 2024 - January 27th, 2024 - January 31st, 2024):

(Total of Calendar Days Created/Typed in - 14 Calendar Days)


So, after like 105 of FUTURE Parody-like Games from many kinds of generations of like point and click adventures, speed run records, Choose Your Own-like Journeys, and even some raging-ness stuff as well, the highly and anticipated 17th future instalment for the MAIN "Five Nights at Jax Justun's Series" called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia" is FINALLY here!!!! We're so sorry for this long waiting time here. Anyways, let's begin.....In Three.....Two......One....................#GOOOOOO!!!!!! For almost like a nearly amount of like 209 plus years of Jax Justun Studios, we here at the main area here at Jax Justun Studios which is called "JJS GameGrear Work Productions" have FINALLY given you guys another parody-like story to be have a returnable appearance from another place that we'd been before like millions of times already!!!!

By the way, this is me talking inside of these paragraphs here on GameJolt!! My name is "Little Phoney" or "LP-3BO" for short!!! I'll be narrator for this story right here for the 17th FNatJJ's game here. Anyways, back to recapping of course. So back in the 14th FNatJJ's game, we had done so many adventures during that time alone. We first returned to familiar places to where our first and ACTUAL adventures that we'd all began back in the 2021s!! These were high schools, and a WAR between Snakes!! But now, we had to face off now against from CROWS, and also Colleges as well!!!

Not only that though, we'd all celebrated the 209th Anniversary Year Event for Jax Justun Studios, we'd then met a brand NEW Bad Guy or Villain of FOES that was in HIS development Phases and Cycles for almost like 209 Years, we'd then met many new dangerous creatures as well from Parodies like Lud-Smokey, Sir Clogsworth, Malilla Spreyer, Taylla Heiste, Reillya Heiste, Neverything the Epic Wubbox from Gold Island and the character that was in his development-ness for like 209 YEARS which is of course, "Lord Crowhead"!! The cousin of Lord Snakehead, and of course, we'd also been going towards inside of many other kinds of places and/or dimensions as well!!!

Such as shows, movies, video games, and many more. These things are of course My Singing Monsters, FNAF or Five Nights at Freddy's, Cartoon Network's Total Drama Island, Barbie and the Dreamhouse Adventures, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, and of course the Real World and all of its Parody Secrets lurking from all directions and all the right places!!! But now, here in January of 2024, the 17th FNatJJ's game will take you to another place to where how all of our Adventures first began in the year of 2017 or the 2018s to be more specific!!!

This is of course called "The Minecraft World"!! Also known as originally named and known also as "Minecraftia"!!! Once a beloved blocky world of a place that had everything inside of it!! Like ACTUAL modded-like MODS that were created from many Minecraft creators and builders!!! Minecraftia had everything that anyone could imagined upon!! Such as Elemental Creepers Mod, the Weird Mobs Mod, Mo' Creatures, the Lots of/O' Mobs Mod, the Mo Cows Mod, many mods based around TNT, Orespawn, the Bacteria Mod, many mods that includes their own personal items like food, candy, furniture, weapons and other strange objects, mods based on real shows, movies, and video games, and the Dragon Mounts Mod!!!

And of course, the first and EVER moded-like mod that was ever born in Minecraft or Minecraftia which is of course the "Nevermine Mod" or known as also the "Advent of Ascension Mod" that has many contents inside of itself!!! Many Minecraft mods have also their own personal Dimensions, Biomes, and structures as well!!! Like The Twilight Zone, Underground-like Caves, Villages and so much more!! There's also that many Minecraft Mods have also their own personal MOBS that comes with their own personal weapons, drops, health bars, and even their own different personal behaviors!!!!! But more on that later!!! Or just next time for that matter........

As for me "Little Phoney" or "LP-3BO", this was my job originally from doing these kinds of tasks here, but now, we have like bigger fish to fry here folks!!! Today was December 30th, 2023, and play as Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew and Merry Bratts as always in these kinds of situations and whatnot, and your goal is to watch over this crazy underground-like facility (which is also your beloved and BRAND NEW Office) and you must control yourself from looking inside of those cameras for each location that you guys can see from toggling each location using your beloved and brand new "Camera Pad-900 Thousand" and also keep eyes on the NEW and OLD animatronics lurking around those areas from you Camera Pad!!!!

You'll also get help from not only the new phone caller known as "Groddley Sheettz" (which he's the 12th Manager of Minecraftia), but also some other or just SEVEN new characters as well!!!! Like Tawna Bandicoot, Axol, Kassidey Kacey, ValVeatley, Princess Aja Tarron, Kaizo, Saiko, and Melony!!!! With the help from all of those EIGHT Characters, my mistake, you'll be having lots of help from knowing to learn each character for each night!!! And as during this month of January of 2024 and onwards, you must survive each night between 12:00 AM through 6:00 AM in order to survive towards each night when time passes on by......... And how hard can that be right?!?!?!!!!

Well, just be careful, okay?!?!! I've been told that these NEWEST animatronics can be a bit unstable-lised-ed and a bit dangerous as well too......If you guys want to learn more about the rest of this story here for the 1st Episode/Chapter, just stay tuned for some more future updates to come on by. Anyways, this was LP-3BO signing off and I bid you guys farewell for now!!!! Have a nice day!!!! #other #adventure #fnaf #fangame #horror #action #arcade #platformer #roguelike #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #strategy #textadventure #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!!! #TheReturnofTheMCModedMobs!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #minecraft #FiveNightsAtFreddys #parodies #fantasylands #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #ReturningToTheMinecraftWorld!!!!!!!


Episode Two: Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: The Revenge of Playtime Corporative from Minecraftia - (Chapter Two: The Return of the Playtime Co. Factory for now Minecraftia)

(Chap. Two Name was given by the 46% of People/Fans from the Community Poll right/link here:

(Short Message Typed on: 02/06/2024 - THX for everyone from voting for this NEW name for the #2ndChapter of the #2ndEpisode!!!! See you guys in the nearest future you guys!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! - End of Short Message!!!)

STORY for Chapter/Episode Two Only (Created on: Feb. 3rd, 2024 - March 2nd, 2024 - March 3rd, 2024)

(Total of Calendar Days Created/Typed in - 29 Calendar Days)


You all thought that this was already over and done with right!??!!! No Minecraft-like Mod-ed Mobs, no brand new and strange new anomalies, and end of storytelling of Minecraftia and The Minecraft World and such?! Well, you're all wrong, because I'm afraid that the strange toxic waste and everything had also effected another familiar Dimension/Universe as well!!!!! It appears also that Minecraftia has not only just having many Ender Dragons from protecting this strange amusement park and everything, but also from some interesting things as well!!! Such as the THREE Dragons of Minecraftia, also known as "The Dragon-nator Protectors of Playtime Corporative" nicknamed from the #5th, wanted, and/or missing member of the Dragons of Minecraftia Tetrad-Clan, or/and even known as the "DoM oM Band Rockers" as well!!!!

The names of those #ThreeDragonsofMinecraftia are "Beeneayth" (BEE-neth), the "Colored-Up Vindress (VEN-Dress) Nightmare", then the second one's a female-like human known as "(Name Incoming Soon)", the "Cleedumen (CLEED-DA-men) Foxx-na Angelroguh (Angel-RUFF)", and finally, the third one known as "Mr. NarddVark", the "Pangolin DreeperScape of Death Und Despair"!!! There's of course the #4thDragonOfMinecraftia also as well.................And he is of course "Nintellengence" (NIN-TELLEN-Gince), the "Naggtrerrall (NAG-TRER-ROLL) Intelligence"!!!!!! Yeah!!! Didn't expect some #FourDragonsOfMinecraftia to be here to take over this world now with them Minecraft modded Mobs in Minecraftia!!!! Might as calling them the FOUR Dragons of Minecraftia!!!!!

And of course, there's ever a #5thDragonOfMinecraftia as well.............But sadly though, we don't REALLY talk about that guy all that much. Maybe for next time I guess.......Well????........YEAH!!!!! I guess you're already all knew what's coming here right?! So in January of 2024, we all of course had returned to the "Minecraft World" which was all now populated with all them Modded-like Mobs and everything (which that's still happening as well), and now here in/on February of 2024, we're also returning towards another place that we'd all started our adventures from like TWO YEARS AGO, which was around in the Summertime's of the 2022s!!!! It's of course the original abandoned Toy Factory/Facility known as "Playtime Co." and that's of course, the Mascot-Horror Game/Dimension known as "Poppy Playtime"!!!! #YesIndeedFolks!!!!! Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17 now has some more tricks and even more stranger things up its own sleeves!!!! We're not only returning towards the Minecraft World, we're also returning to the "Poppy Playtime World" or the "Playtime Co. Factory" as well!!!

With now the release of Chapter Three: DEEP SLEEP, which had release back on January 30th, 2024, the entire Playtime Co. Factory's now a part of the Minecraftia World now!!! Witch is now runed by the "THREE Dragons of Minecraftia" and also some brand new armies and some old/original/past ones as well!!! Such as the Zombie Pigs, the Dinosaurs, the Mummified Pigs, the Werewolf Pigs (and/or known as the Were-dified Pigs), the Patos, the Dragons, and of course, the many Experiments/Monster Toys that lurk around the Playtime Factory as well, as always of course........ But more on all of that next time!!!!

Now then, you of course play as Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts, the main four protaginists of this future-like #17thFNatJJ's game!!!! Ever since "Groddley Sheettz" has gone missing since January 31st, 2024, you're sadly get stuck-ed from listening to so much information from "Little Phoney" or "LP-3BO", but also from them EIGHT characters as well from the last Episode/Chapter of this future game!!! Like Tawna Bandicoot, Axol, Kassidey Kacey, ValVeatley, Princess Aja Tarron, Kaizo, Saiko, and Melony as usual!!!!! Which of course, isn't actually all that bad!!!! But what's bad though's that brand new Parody Characters and Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios (with alongside with old ones as well) are coming this way to get you here in February of 2024!!!!!!

Looks like this #SecondChapterAndEpisode's going to be a real pain-in-the-MASS to work around with!!!!!! Besides working between each night with them usual times as always from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM and whatnot, you'll ALL also get tasked with some new features as well!!! Such as the Gas Mask from Chapter Three of Poppy Playtime, new Cameras for your beloved-ed Camera Pad-9000, new monsters/Parody-like Creatures to deal with (Cameo ones included), brand new collectables to find and to match with the lore-ness of Jax Justun Studios and Minecraftia, and so much more!!!!!! It appears that things will get even more harder during this new #29Days and whatnot here on February of 2024!!!!! And, how hard can things be during those future-like moments huh?!?!??!!!! Well, just wait and see to find out more!!!! Once again, this was good-old fashion LP-3BO signing off again and I bid you guys a second farewell for now!!!! Have a nice and wonderful day!!!! You're ALL gonna need it.............And also from regretting all of this as well from me and your guy's liking-ness!!!!

Wait a freaking minute?!?!!! Is my MIC still on here?!?!?!! AAAAAAWWWW SHHHH............. #other #adventure #fnaf #fangame #horror #action #arcade #platformer #roguelike #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #strategy #textadventure #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!!!!!! #WelcomeBackToPlaytimeCo!!!!!!!! #ThisIsntGoingToEndWell!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #minecraft #PoppyPlaytime #FiveNightsAtFreddys #parodies #fantasylands #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #ReturningToTheMinecraftWorld #OnceMore!!!!!!! #TheDragonsOfMinecraftiaAreHere!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!


Episode Three: Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: The Havengence of The Minecraftians from Minecraftia - (Chapter Three: MSM Re-Favors Equals Nestforett Kinder-Garten Hessures)

STORY for Chapter/Episode Three Only (Created on: March 28th, 2024 - April 7th, 2024):

(Total of Calendar Days Created/Typed in - 10 Calendar Days)


Don't you dare march all the way towards your victory posts just yet because more and more old and new things had came here to strike more revenge-ness and a lot more "Re-Favors" because we're going to not just one new place, but also another old place that we've been before along with the ones from them past two months!!!!! First off, the new place is the "Garten of BanBan World" and/or better known as the "Kinder-Garten Corp Fatcilatey"!!!!! A parody-like place or better known as some kind of factory where everyone's parody-like dreams come to life in real-life and also become part of your own personal fantasies, lifestyle-like situations, and much much more!!!!

And of course, we have none other than the "MSM World" and/or better known as the "Re-Favor Dimension of The Minecraftians"!!!!! All now become part of the beloved My Singing Monsters World and also over run-ed with now the Minecraftians, the Animatronics, them Dinosaurs, those crazy and strange-like Garten of BanBan-like Creatures, and the Elemental Colossal Conundrums (also known as "The ECC-Nums" (THEE-ECK-Numbs) for short), but also The Minecraftians of Minecraftia as well too!!!!!!

But more about all about them (besides them Dinosaurs and Animatronics) for later on and everything!!!!! And of course, we have them beloved Minecraftians!!! Known as also Mr. Minecraftian, Sir Minecraftian, and Mrs. Minecrftian as well!!!! First off's the one of the month of January known as "Nestforett Hessures" pronounced as (NESS-Fur-RRIT-HEY-ZURES-Z), or/and he's also known as just "Nestforett" for short as well!!!!! And he was born on January 1st, 1001, then was released into the wild on January 1st, 1849, just 175 years ago right after Jax Justun Studios had opened for business like 35 years ago right afterwards!!!!!!! But then, Nestforett was captured from the "Warriors of Minecraftia" way back on January 2nd, 1861, the day when the first Tullmwhewhall or "Tullm" of Minecraftia known as "Boriginality" (BOAR-RIGID-Nallit-TEA) was being set into the wild by the Minecraft Modded Mobs of the Minecraft World!!!!!

Then we have our second Minecraftian of Minecraftia from the month of February, and he's none other than "Velevalphant" pronounced as (Vell-VAWLL-Fentt), and he was born back on February 2nd, 1987, and that was just moments and/or days just right before or after the events of the #TheBiteOf87 from the #1stFiveNightsAtFreddys game, which was like 37 Years Ago as of right now and today here in 2024!!!!!! That's also the same moment of time when the second Tullmwhewhall or "Tullm" known as "Playtome-Yeeyal" which is pronounced as (Play-TOME-YEE-YAAAWWW) was being made as well!!!! And finally, we have none other then the Minecraftian of Minecraftia of the month of March!!!!!

Born back on March 3rd, 1997, she was none other then "Celvet" which is pronounced as like this (CELL-VET)!!!!! She's also known/called as "Ckalleeian", which that's pronounced as (KER-Cal-LEE-en) as well too!!!! This was also when the third Tullmwhewhall or "Tullm" known as "Missum SingaRaviuem" that's pronounced as (Miss-SUM-Sing-A-RAVE-VEE-Umm) was made as well too!!!! Which by the way, both of February 2nd, 1987 and March 3rd, 1997, were also those moments when both Sir and Mrs. Minecraftian were gotten captured from the "Warriors of Minecraftia" way back then as well too!!!

To learn more about them Minecraftians and those other stuff as well, go to this link that'll take you towards that official post and everything: (Anyways, onto the rest of this story here folks!!! Enjoy the show!!!)

Anyways, as always from before from them past TWO MONTHS here in 2024, your beloved night guards known as Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts have now came to their third month!!!!! March of 2024 has more dangerous threats then never before!!! From BanBan-like creatures, to dinosaurs, to MSM monsters, and towards some brand-new threats that'll catching you from each night through 12:00 AM through 6:00 AM!!!!!! But when all hope was lost for them, brand new night guards had came to help for these brand-new and interesting #31Nights here in March of 2024!!!!!! They're known or name as "Anakin Skywalker" and "Barbie Roberts"!!!!! These two brand-new night watchers will help you guys like no matter what's the cost of this nonsense here!!!!

And it's not just that of course, you'll also have brand-new abilities, and some interesting things for your surroundings and whatnot!!! Like vents, other camera-like part thing-neesz, and of course, brand-new monsters and creatures that some are old, some are new, and some that we'd had already seen before from the past six years here in Jax Justun Studios!!! And well folks, as what you did before back on both January and February of 2024, just survive as long as you can, use your surroundings carefully, and don't sleep during your night jobs!!! Well, this is going to be on SHELL of a crazy-ness of a month here in 2024!!!!!

And like I'd said before from the past two chapters/episodes and everything, this was good-old fashion LP-3BO signing off again and I bid you guys a second farewell for now!!!! Have a nice and wonderful day!!!! You're ALL gonna need it.............And also from regretting all of this as well from me and your guy's liking-ness!!!! Didn't I said all of that before!??!?!?!!!! I guess I did then!!! Wait!??!?!!! There's like two more months left!?!?!??!?!!!!! Look, after this is month's done and everything, please head towards that link below when it's ready to go!! You'll need it for some interesting things for your last two months of your adventures!!! Until next time, see you all in April of 2024 and May of 2024!!!!! #ToBeContinuedin.........#PartTwoOfMinecraftia!!!!!!!! #other #adventure #fnaf #fangame #horror #action #arcade #platformer #roguelike #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #strategy #textadventure #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!!!!!! #WelcomeBackToTheMSMWorld!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToTheNewBanBanWorld!!!!!! #ThisIsstillNotGoingToEndWell!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #Minecraft #PoppyPlaytime #FiveNightsAtFreddys #MSM #MySingingMonsters #GartenOfBanBan #parodies #fantasylands #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #ReturningToTheMinecraftWorld #ForTheThirdMonthinaRoll!!!!!!! #TheMinecraftiansOfMinecraftia!!!!!!!! #TheyreFINALLYhereAtLongLast!!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!

-End of Story (For Now at Least..........)

(Full of Calendar Days ALL TOGETHER in just THREE MONTHS: 53 Calendar Days!!!!)

FULL STORY Created from: January 17th, 2024 through April 7th, 2024)

(THX for all of your guy's help from voting the names for the Minecraftians of Minecraftia!!!)

The total number/percentage of voters will be out shortly!!! Stay tuned for future updates!!!!!!


The Rest of the 209 Year Adventures of Both Jax Justun Studios & Minecraftia will be returning and will also continued forward once more on April 13th, 2024, in an ALL-BRAND NEW parody-like adventure in the #18thFNatJJ's Game!!!!!! It's known as.........

Five Nights at Jax Justun's 18: The 2024 Finale of Minecraftia!!!!!

Link Incoming Soon: [Five Nights at Jax Justun's 18: The 2024 Finale of Minecraftia!!!!!]

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling

Today's finally the day folks!!!! If you're all seeing this now here, you're all here for some special future parody updates from Minecraftia Studios!!!! Welcome to the "Official Pinned Post of Minecraftia"!!!!

Today's now Jan. 23rd, 2025, and Minecraftia Studios are preparing for some amazing and tasty future parody updates!!!!! And of course, it's all going to take lots of time and efforts in order to make them all pop and everything!!!!

Welp, today's the day you guys!!!! Today's the official one year anniversary for #FNatJJs17 here on January 17th, 2025!!!!! And of course, the official new and improved pinned post's now in development!!!!! Good morning by the way!!!!!

Well guys, tomorrow's the day!!! Tomorrow's the one year anniversary for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia!!!! And yes, the official new pinned post will be out sooner then later!!!!!

Well guys, today's Jan. 16th, 2025, the very last day of the one year anniversary when I'd created Mr. Eyesaur and his official redesigns/remodels!!!!! And you all know what tomorrow is right!!!! THAT IS RIGHT!!!!!!