General/Random in Jeremy Community

What happening old sport :)?

Okay, I went out a little for personal things (I'm not going to put my life on the internet, just the drawings) and when I reached 200 followers but I'm going to do the special tomorrow because I'm tired

Sorry guys, the day was tiring

Lo que hice en 2023 / What I did in 2023

Dibuje a feddy en la pared de mi cuarto lol

I draw feddy on my bedroom wall lol

Very nice


Estaba jugando minecraft con un amigo y el hizo explotar mi casa y yo hice lo mismo con la suya (nos reimos mucho ese dia)

I was playing Minecraft with a friend and he blew up my house and I did the same to him (we laughed a lot that day)

I'm so bored, send memes pls

Lo voy a jugar a ver que tal estรก

I'm going to play it and see how it is

Mi nuevo reloj

My New clock
