mandem gualquer doideira brs in comonidade cafe

#fanarts #fotos #desenhoscriados #videos #etc...


vermelha e preta. sugestão de cores? posso fazer caras também...

agora q percebi q o desenho ficou um pouco ruim....acho q foi pq eu fiz no mouse...

Animation I made

Animação que eu fiz

horror animation/memes (only at the end [the meme part]) #animação #animation #terrors #memes

Before you ask me "where is the 200 followers special" I'll give you the answer: I'M STILL THINKING WHAT TO DO

Okay, I went out a little for personal things (I'm not going to put my life on the internet, just the drawings) and when I reached 200 followers but I'm going to do the special tomorrow because I'm tired

Sorry guys, the day was tiring