General/Random in Jeremy Community

What happening old sport :)?

Animation I made

Animação que eu fiz

horror animation/memes (only at the end [the meme part]) #animação #animation #terrors #memes

mi momento favorito fue cuando llegue a los 1000 seguidores

My favorite moment was when I reached 1000 followers


I'm the demon

#meme #XD #likes #OMG

perdon por no hacer el feddy de doug es que se me esta complicando el cuerpo pero cuando lo termine lo publico

Sorry for not doing Doug's feddy, it's just that my body is getting complicated but when I finish it I'll publish it


Idea de @Manic0626 / Idea by @Manic0626


Llegamos a los 160 seguidores siuu ya estamos cada vez más cerca del voice reveal / We reached 160 followers yes we are getting closer to the voice reveal