Hating on Monty/Roxy or praising Foxy/Bonnie?
If you hate Monty and/or Roxy for replacing the amazing boys Foxy and Bonnie, join me and @AidenBieber at our new community, Monty and Roxy Hate Group!!!
Hello. This is for hating Monty and Roxy and giving Justice for Bonnie and Roxy.
If you are Monty or Roxy fan, get out. If you are a Bonnie or Foxy fan. Stay a while. And complain abt how they didn’t put Bonnie and Foxy in the game.
(Besides Bonnie being broken so I don’t count it cuz I mean as an enemy like Monty and Roxy.)
You can post hate on Monty/Roxy or hood stuff abt Foxy/Bonnie!!
Enjoy your stay!!! 😍😁