Questions in KemauriitkAnimates Community

Please post in the right channels. (Thank You!)

The first game ive ever beaten.. well its surprising interesting. On Roblox there is a game called "Pass The Bomb" its an tag bomb game #GJAsks #Roblox #Tag #PassTheBombRBLX

Guys should i start Daily Dose Of OR5O?

I have an idea 💡 send me your mario madness memes on my discord messages (or5o_whz) and i will take and put it in my video

We are close to 350 followers.. and I will post special artwork for celebration.

Ok guys the fanart competition has come to end.. why..? well no one wanna draw me so you have only 2 days left before its cancelled and never coming back but if you did actually draw it, the end date will change. Also @KniteBlargh can enter :)