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What gangs have their members wear masks?

Off the top of my head, I know the Joy Boys, Beautiful's gang, and the Lovelies

I'm trying to remember what else is there


Crazy people


You've seen everyone in the room lead, but what if someone who's NOT in the room takes the floor?

Why the open hostility to random encounter zones even if they're optional?


Mess with the bull, you get the *ahahahaha*

(4 of 5)

версия 1.3

добавлено:больше новой музыки и убрано не подходящей.

исправлено пару багов

перерисовано пару спрайтов


That was some b-b-bad soup...

Pro tip, do NOT try to exit a conversation before Yogurt is done talking to you!

(3 of 5)

First progress report of the year! Wahoo!

Dispite my recent series of posts, I’ve had a friend help me out this time with the update. So here’s what they came up with and more in the game. I’ve been told by my friends I should take a break, I agree so that’s what I’m gonna do, see y’all later.