Share some Images of Liminal Spaces you, or someone made! (credit them!)

The Deep Poolrooms.


well, not really, I just wanted to make a monster here :)

Whacha doing?

ₜᵤr𝖙𝘭𝘦 :3

The aesthetic known as a Liminal Space is a location which is a transition between two other locations, or states of being. Typically these are abandoned, and oftentimes empty. Liminal Spaces are slightly unsettling, but also familiar to our minds.



  1. Please credit the person who made the Liminal image (unless you made it)

  2. Please do not post NSFW

  3. Be chill with everyone! Don't be a meanie

  4. Do not post stuff that is off-topic!

  5. Please make sure the image/post relates to the description above

@xylopuppet owner
Report A community for about 3 years