Art of LinaW & Her Character in The LinaWorker Community

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Tiny bit of #Story in the description
#DigitalArt #Joltober2023 #Sinister #Protector #Angel #HighPowers #Servant #Master #God #Corruption

i cound this under practice

i seem to not be able to draw again (might be the heat..) anyway i tryd and here is me in @KiraTodorova Moded Minecraft server that was meant for only me her and Michael but now they invite more people with out my liking...

NoNa & NöNa/NoeNa
i wanded to try and draw them again sens i didn't for so long and well here is it,

I had a lot more space there
btw idk what this is or who starded it but it cool lul
got this from @wild_heart_artist because why not lul