Art of LinaW & Her Character in The LinaWorker Community

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made some #Sketches and #Practice for my #Angel #Character as well as his #Friend, I hope I can get the #Designs to a decent level for myself, like not to hard and not to easy, just good looking

i cound this under practice

#Joltober2023 #Wolf #Practice #Doddle

little something, wonder who this might be😏
#wip #workinprogress

Lina the Jillian's Right Hand on the Wedding

i seem to not be able to draw again (might be the heat..) anyway i tryd and here is me in @KiraTodorova Moded Minecraft server that was meant for only me her and Michael but now they invite more people with out my liking...

pretty bitch be pretty bitch XD
picture made by @Charleshaschangedhisusername

NoNa & NöNa/NoeNa
i wanded to try and draw them again sens i didn't for so long and well here is it,

I had a lot more space there

btw idk what this is or who starded it but it cool lul

got this from @wild_heart_artist because why not lul