News/Sneak peeks in Linum Framework

Look ma! i'm on tv! (at 11:02)
Here's that thing i promised you earlier!
i also teased it already, if you were paying attention
Go grab the demo here:

SRB2 Mod Direct #3 | December 11th, 2021
Want to feature your addons in a future Mod Direct? Join the Direct Central Discord server here!
unfortunately not update related yet but
if you use Linum Legacy and/or Construct 2 and need assistance, you can now try asking it in our community here in the "Construct 2 Help" channel
heya, i'm alive i think
i randomly decided to make a GJ community out of the blue
you can share your levels and also stuff made in linum legacy, as well as just any general stuff
i also updated the banner, wow