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#GJAsks: What's The Greatest Boss Battle You've Ever Fought?

Difficult, maybe Delirium? i really like his boss fight for how he have every attacks and for how he becomes (almost) every bosses in the game, and I really his music in it

@MemeManOfficial as a Tattletail

Bad doodle but oh well ^^" I hope your able to somewhat like it at least

Tattletail sketch. #wip #Tattletail #art #sketch

"Amnesia": Part 1.

#LGBTQ #Art #series #comic #lore

"im your idiot,, FOREVERR--"

@BOXZEE fanart -- keith x ethan


slide for original pic

btw yes, if youve already been wondering, thats a custom font i made



Still happy 10th anniversary to Five Golden Nights at Freddy's

Since I had nothing to do, i've finished it again and obtained every endings without dying, the fangame is not even that hard, if you want to keep the mask for the whole night

Ah yes, Azzor. One of my OCs! :D

@MemeManOfficial has become a novai, two remain.

Happy 10th anniversary to Five Golden Nights at Freddy's!

10 years of a wonderful fangame by @KUNOLEO , the first fangame i've seen when i was little, but also my most favorite, with a great gameplay in it even without cameras, just remains great