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#GJAsks: What's The Greatest Boss Battle You've Ever Fought?
Difficult, maybe Delirium? i really like his boss fight for how he have every attacks and for how he becomes (almost) every bosses in the game, and I really his music in it

@MemeManOfficial as a Tattletail
Bad doodle but oh well ^^" I hope your able to somewhat like it at least

"im your idiot,, FOREVERR--"
@BOXZEE fanart -- keith x ethan
slide for original pic
btw yes, if youve already been wondering, thats a custom font i made

Happy 10th anniversary to Five Golden Nights at Freddy's!
10 years of a wonderful fangame by @KUNOLEO , the first fangame i've seen when i was little, but also my most favorite, with a great gameplay in it even without cameras, just remains great