theories in EarthBound/MOTHER

Show the whole Earth your ideas about EarthBound and the series itself!
People say Ninten is not Ness's dad. I am proving he is. people say the time doesn't line up and it would be illegal. But Eagleland is a corrupt place, and not real on earth, the Mother Earth is not our earth. the dad had ness's hat in the past cutscene.
The gist is Ness and the chosen ones might be the pioneers of the nowhere islands. Think about it... Most of the other characters are dumb except for Andonuts and apple kid. And troughout earthbound we see how corrupt the world is. But where are they now.
mabye lukas is ness's cousin..? because they originated in the SAME game series!
apple kid and orange kid are jeff's brothers
Remember how in Mother 3, when Lucas pulled out the last needle, and then dragon shakes with anger? Well, my theory is that the dragon’s size was probably like those fat ones. Like the one from Legend of Zelda.