Happy 17th Anniversary, Mother 3. To a game I'll never forget.

Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool.

My copy of Mother 3 really must be on the fritz or somethin.
say hi to porky 😈
I'm still waiting for the one day that I'll meet someone in person who likes earthbound or any mother game.
Welcome to the EarthBound/MOTHER community on Game Jolt!
You can make theories, fanart, memes, questions, and more about EarthBound! This cult classic first released in the US in 1995 on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) or the Super Famicom in Japan. But was first released in Japan in 1989 on the NES. Confused? Let me explain.
Mother (NES) - 1989 (Re-released worldwide on WiiU Virtual Console in 2015 as EarthBound Beginnings)
Mother 2 (SFC) - 1994/EarthBound (SNES) - 1995 (Re-released worldwide on WiiU Virtual Console in 2013)
Mother 3 (GBA) - 2006 (Japan Only)
It did horribly on its first release in the US, likely for being overpriced by its imaginative and detailed Player's Guide and marketing campaign "This Game Stinks!" based on its '90s styled humor. But around a decade later, it got a cult following that is dedicated to the series. Including Toby Fox. Make sure to keep all posts and comments respectful and family friendly. Any disrespectful or explict posts/comments will be removed. Enjoy! : )