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Updates of the Arty Official Exposed Document: He basically sends video game that has baby gore and even death threats to @thedumbforeskin620 and @MarkCR12 , can't wait to send them in the doc

Smoking that ArtyMik908 pack rn


#ArtyLovesMinorsandGore Here it is, ArtyMik908 OFFICIAL Exposed Document, please spread this link and document around the social media.

Feel free to put your experiences here in the comments.…

You know what has to be done, I'm working on a final move to this madness, the next document is coming soon where Arty gets his last laugh.…

That was quick, y'all better be happy about it after you cringe too much to the point you almost leave Gamejolt…

For everyone are wondering, am I leaving because of NFTs? No due to I'm not wasting the account because I'm working on Somniphobia. Yes, NFT is bad, that is true but it's ends at May 6th, 2024, plus no one being forced to draw NFTs like CTFO man

Look i NEVER liked anon accounts. I blocked this one due to them mostly following alot female accounts, its a bit of a red flag to me due to a anon account tried to R@pe me in dms. Sorry, I had bad experience. And Anonymous accounts creep me out.

Hey Arty, mind quit stealing my job while you still didn't show the rest of it while you're hiding your allegations lmfao

Posted at the end of the doc also:…


I added documents of Arty in the disclaimer and add more evidences in notes of Arty being hypocrite and deleting comments of @AlexToolStudio where Gello_Boi has a point, this will be only response of this.

EduardBoscut Exposed (Please spread this post and link of the document about this scratcher quickly as possible.)…

So @thedumbforeskin620 had an idea for some kind of AU of Marky (my saga of creations or something) mixing Mystic Hunters (also my saga) for make a horror game of Marky. And I loved the idea, so it will probably become a real game, who knows?