tbs in MarxFromKirby Official Community

Share Some art, theories, or something here!
https://gamejolt.com/games/xx/957965 FnY (reskined is out right now!!!) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1091358408/

Something i did in school which was suppose to be posted yestrday. (And no this is not the new Youtube FNaF fan game that i was talking about this one is much new)

Some weird wiki fandom fan film about htf and i dont know if this is based on tbsm or not https://tvfan.fandom.com/wiki/Happy_Tree_Friends:_Gorefest
https://tvfan.fandom.com/wiki/The_Happy_Tree_Friends_Movie_(Horr… Note: This wasnt ritten/Made by me. But i think it was Marxie

Coming soon (Cristmas massacre disaster