Must’ve been a pibby glitch

Dog reveal
400 follower special

magical avice!!!

Welcome to the Newgrounds provisionals community on Game Jolt!
post memes, facts, polls, art, music, just- whatever you have put it here and get the feeling of luxury (this feeling of luxury is not guaranteed)
also we got a bit of rules so follow them and you will live:
1: no porn obviously
2: no lewd unless it’s a bait and switch meme (which will still most likely not get featured)
3: be nice to everyone, (unless they are known to be a pedo, zoophile, or something along the lines of that)
4: do not beg for staff roll, you can ask in DMs but you’ll get a google form or something
5: take jokes, when a joke goes too far they will be moved to the “bad apples” section and promptly removed from there on, but if the occasional edgy joke comes along, it’s fine, just accept it’s just a joke, and move on
If you break any of these rules you will be banned or warned, and if you do get banned, don’t cry, try reading the rules next time dumbass