general in Nicoderfans Official Community

Welcome to The Offical Community of Nicoderfans :)

Ok so, The Characters for Chaotic Custom Night (My Second Biggest Ultimate custom night) are:

I'm Gonna Reveal ALL the Characters and the name for the second biggest custom night i'm gonna be making/working tommorrow.

also guys, if you want to complete the game, you have to do it without quitting, or your progress is going to be deleted.

Finna go to sleep

I will wake up to the same day

Not to Much, Just all the Awards of the Custom Night Challenges

I Remaked My Bio.

Hey Guys, Yesterday i wasn't online because i was sick, my head and eyes hurt a lot but with the help of my family, i'm feeling good, but i still don't know if i'm fine or still sick

Happy 7th Anniversary to FNaF! :D

All the A.I's of The Custom Night are Done, i need to code and add a few things and then game is out, but i'm going to continue the game Tommorrow, maybe the game will be out tommorrow or in monday.