general in nateemg awesomeness

Its the moment, we have all been dreading. The AI getting "fixed"
we love to show what we have done. but that would ruin the whole fun of seeing what new things the neighbor can do
So Enjoy the neighbor's slightly new look

Things I’m going to confirm about 3.0 as I’m sick of answering these
1 It is Not Cannon the Lore is pointless
2 It’s a content expansion
3 Not every model will be released
4 Yes 3.0 is the final update.
5 Yes dead man is alive
6 the guest dies The End Jk

Currently Experimenting With a double trouble Mode. 2 Neighbours. this probably won't get added for very obvious reasons.
Including. Crashes. Ai getting stuck on doors
And ear destroying sound mixing. And did I mention crashes. Oh boy loving that.
Hey hey. Did ya miss me. You probably didn’t.
How’s development going you ask well…
A 2.3 build will be created to help bridge the gap between 2.2 and 3.0
The alpha 1 redesign is done and is available for you to use. Within reason of course
Enjoy :)

I think we overcooked the meal a tad bit lads