General in Mr.Game&Watch’s hangout


Yippee #slowjolt has been activated

Chat ima be asleep cuz i stood awake all night

I have no idea what to do at this point

I might just watch YouTube :^

Im just gonna be offline to take my rage off once i cool off…

Thank you @CHAOTICCABBIT24 …you have not only pissed me off..

You’ve messed with the WRONG person to be angry at AND tell me what to do..

Your not my MOTHER.

My morning is fucked up now cuz I never…lemme repeat this… NEVER say my age once I follow somebody…

“Mature adult like me”

Take the word “mature” out I am a DUMBASS  /silly

(But fr if any of ya’ll ask bout my age I will never answer… it? Good)

LMFAO 😂 mom asked me if I’m finna feel bad for her cuz she’s going to a second grade school of being a “teacher”

Gn chat…

Bro wtf happened to my arm????

I just discovered this now…

Going back to sleep even its almost morning… (I'm tired..)