Random stuff .-_-. in Mr.Game&Watch’s hangout


Hmm…I’m kinda low on ideas so I’ll make a poll for y’all to choose of what should I make :]

Man I’m a mindless son of a b**ch…I can’t even think of shit to make.. :|

(Also y’all don’t have to vote anything if ya don’t wanna.. :3)

  15 votes about 2 hours left

Bro I just HATE spooders they are ANNOYING like just picture yourself in your room alone and outta nowhere those 8 legged son of a b**ches just comes in your room and scare the f*ck outta you

I’m just pissed rn and its almost 5 AM bRuUuHhHh


Sonic isn’t really my favorite video game character I prefer Tails

(Sonic is basically like 3rd place of being my favorite lol)

Edit: I’m just doing these for sh+t and giggles.. if I see one I’ll either ignore em or accept the stupid quest


Ah yes..Bane…

I miss playing Batman I wonder if my father’s iPad still has that one game…

(Yk the one of finding “Black Mask” or smth? Or am I cracked that Bane didn't appear in that game💀🙏 I remember so little of it)

Edit 1: y'all can ignore this

Just found this in the fridge I cant tell if its mom’s or mine