Videos in Ostawolt Games Community

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Look at this fuckin' goofy ass rn


Recorded an update to the collab me and @AGameZ69 did. The parts are now fixed and the gameplay has 2.2 features

If you would like to do deco parts let me know! The theme is still going for a factory as you go through it.

(recorded last night lol)


I was going to build my house right next to a village, but some mysterious structure was already randomly generated right next to the village..




#MostFearedMob Magma Cubes are a fucking menace, me and the boys had so much trouble dealing with them when we got into the nether


The Silverfish are just built different and it scares me to be honest..



I don't think that's how balloons work


Had this level unfinished for a year basically, but gonna come back and finish it. Prob won't be the whole song, but ay feels nice to come back to it boredly. I ofc improved with layouts since this, I also added some 2.2 features cuz I felt like it lol


Damn, they really just said "y'know what nah, you're on your own bro"


Typical discord call with the boi's