general in Phighting!

oughh im in a state of being bored and wanting to play a game but have no motivation to play a game & I cant even just watch a video raaaaaaaaa ohhh shshshiii- FRIEND ON PHIGHTING MUST JOIN

My objectively right tierlist

Amazing news!!!
The Weird Chronicles/ weirds Wacky Wednesday, is getting back in development (finally) to get a demo out soon :3 (probably not this year though, so 2025 most likely)
So stay tuned for a sneak peaks/ teasers :3 check out me friends funny art strem

Happi birthday stupid old man

#Gjasks look at how peak he is bro
I think I'd be cool to have games that are phigting chars just doing other activities that start with f and replacing ir with a ph
-Phlying planes
-Overthrowing the phucking government
-Phinding a date
Idk just ideas ig