Projects in Purple Hat Studios

Talk about stuffz...

The game page is under construction right now I and @AltPnjGames are fixing and re-building the page.

@AltPnjGames has joined the team in making art, and together we'll be the greatest Duo in Scratch FNAF Gamedev history since @ChuckParker1126 and @Queasy- (I hope).

Images of Progress


So Uhm, I have made progress of the game.

It might not be the best, but just know it's still in progress.

Guys I've made a teaser for the game on Scratch

To any fnaf fangame devs out there who need random assortments of percussion instruments recorded for music, or need music written, I'm your guy. I use acoustic recordings only!!!

So, There has been a delay in the game's release pushed back to 2 months until the game comes out. I have been making/collaborating on over 8 games.

So here is the gameplay so far. (I haven't made much progress but it's something)

Chat, Shoutout to @AltPnjGames for making these admirable things for the game.

Even a Banner for me!

Chat, how do you like it?

Uh, so I couldn't use a video for this because it's short for game jolt so I did a GIF and had to crop some of the stuff I wanted out, the full project is here to see:

(I hope the GIF works)