Promotion in Purple Hat Studios

Talk about stuffz...

ok so, yea Yeckim is now technically 2 years old.

the fnaf 2 movie teaser is real

this gamepage reach 10k views = devlog 2/someone's jumpscare revealed (it's not pnm) ;)

the tester are full. thanks for participating

ok, so the tester roster is now reduced to 5. theres 4 testers now so... hurry up!……

everyone, just note that my username in discord is etheir a.v.i._1_94636 or a.v.i._1 idk who change my username, but yeah. (this is for beta testers)

The change has being made

i need some beta testers.

(read article)

le poster?

yep, Chaos at Treasure Island has his own community now :D