Round begins in 3.. 2.. 1.

Pillar Chase 2 Humor 2

when your last man standing on double trouble and the two monsters decide to just mess around for a while
(unrelated but I love this audio)
First ever Pillar chase 2 video i've made
Was taken a while to get Springtap to lvl 100 but i did it yahooo
Hope you enjoyed the video i guess


(These characters aren't mine, I remixed a project)

Pillar Chase 2 Concept: Dr. Henry Miller (From DSaF)
LMS QUOTE: It's the Joy of Creation, WILLY.
(Chase theme is a snippet of the FNF song MILLER)

Welcome to the Pillar Chase 2 community on Game Jolt! Here, you can post any Pillar chase related content!
Rules: No making posts that aren't about Pillar chase,
No NSFW, i wanna keep this squeaky clean.
No bullying/harassment
No giving away personal information
That's all!
Listen to these rules.. Or else..
