All Posts in Pizza tower community

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On my second account, I created the Pizza Tower Fighters community as nobody made any. If you want to, you can join it!


The Doise reveal trailer for Pizza Tower Fighters and join the Pizza Tower Fighters community

Sketch of a title card for Slick City

This is what happed to Peddito before he became a demon. (From the Pizza Tower Final Round discord)


RUS: сделала эдит и выложила в Ютуб в качестве "возвращения" (а то я и так отсутствовала в нём 3 месяца)

ENG: Edit made it and posted it on YouTube as a "return" (otherwise I was already absent from it for 3 months)


Don't Preheat your Oven or the Song Won't Play [FL recreation + FLP] - Bepdomize

(Sorry, I got lazy w/ the drums lol)

Here is the Pizza Tower Final Round halloween server profile and banner art chosen. #Halloween #PizzaTower

Weird detail in the sprites?

The Noise and Pizzano : the most random alliance(artist : @Heinzlike)

Joltober : The Undead Pepper (posted on my second account as well) originally fake Peppino.
