Share those post man!

Alright guys, patched the game's update one last time to ensure that the bugs that you guys reported in the comments are fixed. Now all of them are fixed! Enjoy and have fun, as always!

Hey guys! Patched the major update again coz uh, I totally forgot to upload the patched version of the update yesterday, and it has a lot of minor tweaks in the game! Enjoy and have fun!



PN Major Update V2.3.1 IS OUT NOW!

(Read article for more information)

Hey guys! I know this game, has been in my game page for like, almost 2 years now, and I have a very special announcement!

I will be RECODING FNaSf! (Read article for more details)

my fan art!

old peashooter :D

The demons

I play the Impossible Quiz: Peashooter Nights edition (The video premieres on July 11th at 7:00 AM (CDT))

Thumbnail by @RBT-L11…

The Impossible Quiz: Peashooter Nights Edition (Full Walkthrough) (READ DESC)
Help me reach 2K subscribers for more videos like thisThumbnail by: @RBT-L11 So, after two years or so, another Impossible Quiz tribute is out, and what if s...

Hey guys! The Impossible Quiz: PN Edition is finally out! Go ahead and play it! Good luck and have fun playing!!!


Welcome to the Peashooter nights (official Community) community on Game Jolt!



1: don't harass or bully

2: be kind

3: send posts at the right channel

4: don't be rude to the moderators or collaborators

5: have a fun


Plants vs Zombies belongs to Popcap

Fnaf belongs to Scott cawthon

Report A community for about 4 years