general in Pocket Code Pt/Br (não oficial)

e bem esse jogo seria feito no pocket code,mas como nao tinha opcao de colocar pocket code,eu decidi que vai ser no scratch,mas o jogo sera feito no pocket code e teria as mesmas mecanicas do fnaw completo[exceto as mecanicas da peach no fnaw deluxe]

Last time I asked about the resolution of the Night custom icon and gave the options:
200×150 UCN
200×200 FNaF 2 original
200×175 custom
FNAF 2 and UCN tied, let's decide
Examples of size above
Guys, unfortunately I had to remove the 3D animation from the extra menu, The movement looked strange, unfortunately removing the animation was the solution

Do you prefer to have to tap to select the item, or just hover the cursor/finger over it?

Nueva actualización

What do you think of the new version of Toy Freddy in the extras?
Is this better?