Play with Percy Poodle!

Did you know there's only ~9 days left to buy a plushie of your best PAL, Pal? (Or more accurately, the Pal Percy Plushie!)
If you didn't, well, there's still time to get one before it's too late!: https://www.makeship.com/products/pal-percy-plushie

Happy Halloween!... And an ALSO happy 1-year anniversary to the short animatic we released around this time - "Percy's Playhouse in: Hallowed Hijinks"!

It seems that pesky parasite changed the plans! Instead of Charlie Cat Plushies... It's plushies of your best PAL! This can't be good...
Pal Percy Plushies (with 3 swappable faces!) are out now for 3 WEEKS ONLY! Get them here:

It looks like our very own pristine, loyal, and honest Charlie Cat wants to unveil some pretty big news today, so tune into this COMPLETELY 3D ANIMATED promotional video premiering IN 2 HOURS! You won't want to miss it!

Charlie Cat's Amazing, Spectacular, Extravagant Announcement Video!
It's a normal day at Percy's Playhouse... all is well, peace is manageable, and Marilyn's just grabbing a bite to eat... that is, of course, until Charlie Ca...


The Future of Playtime with Percy [10/13/24]

One year later...

// Nightmare Pal //
(Inspired by the "Tiger I saw on my dreams" tweet/drawing)

Welcome to the Playtime with Percy community on Game Jolt!
Playtime with Percy is a #fnaf inspired horror game with the primary gameplay structure being based around The Pal Percy; a Tamagotchi-like toy. With the core gameplay loop being “Tasked Based / End at Your Own Pace” instead of the classic “Survive from 12AM to 6AM”.
Please keep all topics in the right chats. Thank you.