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Version 2.0.0 Update Log

Read The Article Below

Versin 2.0.0 Is Coming Tomorrow at 6 PM


And Next Month Is Coming A Trailer For A Game.

Are You Ready For The Secret Cliffs Version 2.0.0?

Coming 12/1/23


Next Month Is Something Coming.

Better Graphic.

Yeah I Work On A Game That Is A Remastered Version Mor I Cant Tell You But In The Next Days Or Weeks I Will Tell You What Is It.

The Secret Cliffs-Version 2.0.0 Coming 12/1/2023 At 4PM.

Version 1.0.0 Only available until December 1st, 2023.

I'm currently testing version 2 of the game and in the menu when you press play it takes a few seconds to get into it.

Here A Teaser Picture From Version 2.0.0

PS:The Version Is Still In Work

If The Game Has Bugs Pls Report Then Its Good For The Upcoming Version 2.0.0