Artworks in totally somewhere

post something i guess

Two sides of complicated friendship


“You can't escape the ties of fate, but you can change the knot. Take my hand, we'll solve your flawful mindset, Mr. Fumiko.”

Art Weeklies - Future + Fated Meaning (Abstract Perspective)

Totally not a last minute entry, hope this is correct


Trying to relief from the situation with drawing one of my absolute favourite characters in my current focus work (Hibiscus Kirmizi).


“Welcome to the Nightmare Point Complex, a labyrinth where you meet your greatest fears, most horrific nightmare, worst memory and deepest enemy.”

Halloween Special for today! View article for more lore context.

“You sure you want to reach the festival with... Saving everyone from a train raid and fall from these fast rails? If you promise me food, then I'm in.”

The first special for today. Kind of an "adaptation" to a generic movie scene, with a twist.