This Community Is Epik!
Join Da Community ^-^
join this now or else i'll perish your parents.

Hey everyone! Rosy here!
I decided to make my own community!
Have fun!
(I'm going to change the description later)
Rules (what you cant do):
This is an obvious rule and will get your post ejected. Post it more and you'll get banned.
No Harrassing People.
Words can really hurt people y'know? So please, dont harrrass people.
No gore.
Post other content in the "Off-Topic" Channel.
This is more to be a Sonic Only community. So post your stuff in the Off-Topic channel.
Don't start Drama.
It can get annoying at times. Deal with it somewhere else.
No Impersonating Anyone.
Also self-explanatory.
No Scamming People/Posting suspicious links
If you post a art/fanart that is not yours, Please credit the creator for awesome effort they put in!
Now time for the Heroes!

Me! (@OriginsAmyTheRascal )

Sonic! (@OriginsSonic )

Tails! (@orgin-tails)

Knuckles (No one yet!)
That is all, thank you for reading the community rules! Hope you have an amazing day ❣