General in Showcase At Freddy's

Share your creations!

Analysing the Unwanted Guests poster!

QnA wall #1

Random Thought lmao

@Kyesen How to join Showcase at Freddy's Event?

i invented the jumpscare.

I still do not understand this scene 😭 How my boi be even able to fit in the car? Still, I'm very excited for the movie to come out this year. I don't care if it gets delayed, as long as it'll be good.

THE MAP IS DONE! And damn does it look good. Im still taking a break on development till i complete my other game (check it out!) but this is a sneak peak into what the game will look like before i begin work on the other one. Stay tuned!

The map is done!

All pixel art is done now except for skins. I havent gotten a map yet but i already know what its gonna look like, and so i think im going to begin development.

Hmmmm the ultimate question:
What is better/scarier to play: A Point-and-click 2d game, or a 3D free-movement game?

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