General in Showcase At Freddy's

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Infelizmente acho perdemos o Fnaf Plus, por conta de muita polêmica envolvendo o Phisnom, parece que o Fnaf Plus irá ser removido em breve da steam, uma grande pena porque esse era o segundo jogo que mais aguardava da fanverse, mais quem sabe lança um dia

why the fuck another TRTF???

Hey everyone, I announced this on my discord but I’ll be taking a break from working on the game today. It’s my birthday! Game production should resume soon ♥️




Happy 8th Anniversary fnac

Before we start Sciomnia Chica and Foxy's visual update, what do you think about the recent changes in the previous two Sciomnia characters?

  916 votes Voting finished

I know this probably isn’t the channel to ask, but i’m curious nevertheless.
Is Showcase still happening? If so, is there a reason why there hasn’t been any updates or Showcase Exclusives for about 2 months? Geniuenly curious.

little update, let's get the page to 50 followers and we revel bonnie

edit: i forgot to post this on the game page so here it is: