Reglas random/random rules:
-Sube cualquier meme (que al menos no de cringe)/Upload any meme (that at least does not cringe)
-No robar dibujos de otros/Don't steal other people's drawings
-Pueden dibujar lo que se les ocurra. Pero si van a dibujar a personajes semidesnudos ok, y si los pondrĂ¡n desnudos, pongan censura, porfavor/You can draw whatever comes to mind. But if you are going to draw half-naked characters, ok, and if you are going to make them naked, put censorship, please
-No me pidan sugerencias por favor/Please don't ask me for suggestions
-Suban su contenido en el canal correcto/Upload your content to the correct channel
Si alguien no cumple con las reglas, algo feo va a pasar/If someone does not comply with the rules, something ugly is going to happen