ROBLOX in SMG44 Productions

Post something! What ever you want

Cooked or Cooking? -Roblox Sol's RNG, My Inv-

I GOT STORMAL IN SOLS RNG (1 in 90k - from windy which makes it 90k-) -Roblox Sol's RNG-

Ive been playing some more roblox recently, and i found this game called Anime RNG I got lucky enough to get 1 in 2,000 but not better than me getting Comet in Sols RNG, (1 in 12,000.)

To everyone here, ill be focusing on roblox posts and others, but ill mainly do build a boat as roblox posts, This picture shows that that will be a dragon head for a future mech, and the bat one is a drone for spying on people.