General in Super Smash Bros.

Smash your creations!

It was the first console i ever owned from long time ago when i was a little baby or a child, was an Nintendo 64!


Question, does the stick of this controller wear down like the original?

Pergunta, por acaso o analógico desse controle desgasta que nem no original?

What is your favorite Smash Bros stage?

Super Enda in Underground and Super Cian in Express.

super smash bros ultimate temperature

El día de hoy es un día especial e histórico para mi. Super Mash Bros Melee. Me completé el modo clásico en dificultad muy dificil. Me completé el modo aventura en dificultad difícil. Y hoy me completé el modo All-Star en dificultad normal...

Been getting really into Smash Bros again!

does anyone think it's kinda weird that people post art in Smash Ultimate's stage builder online like it's social media?

I mean it's cool art, but why?

hopefully they got what they wanted...

there is some really cool art here.



Happy 20th Anniversary to Star Fox Assault

Got Yoshi’s island :D(happy Valentine’s Day btw)

Consegui Yoshi’s island :D( a propósito feliz dia de São Valentino)