Impart Wisdom(hopefully)!

The Kirito is Always Right Foundation Campaign Ad

Have you ever been wrong about something? Of course you have you microcephalic addlepate. Why, you probably don't even realize that i just called you a moron! It's sad really...but there is hope. I'm Kirito, founder and CEO of the Kirito Is Always Right Foundation. Here at K.A.R.F., we strive to bring knowledge to a world that is so utterly devoid of it(I also just realized how terrible that acronym sounds, and won't be using it again). Every day, hopeless idiots go out into the world driving drunk, or using the word "literally" incorrectly without anyone to explain just how wrong they are. Seriously Greg, you can LITERALLY go die in a barn fire. But enough about Greg and his crimes against language...Did you know that over 99% of people are, in fact, idiots? Terrifying, I know. But the good news is, there is a better than firing a 45 ACP through your skull. You see, I am one of the select few who are completely immune to ignorant bullshit, and it is my dream to spread my wisdom full-time. A ray of light to cut through the darkness. But the batteries for that light don't come cheap...that's where YOU come in!

By viewing and liking my based(and factual) posts, and giving me your posts of hopefully(but doubtedly) the same caliber, you can ensure that there will always be at least one soldier in the fight against stupidity's overwhelming hordes. We may never be able to stop people from doing stupid shit, but with your help, I will always be there to call them on it afterwards. And really, isn't that what truly matters? So please, contribute to the Kirito Is Always Right Foundation today! And together, we can make the world a slightly less stupid place floating around in space.

@X-WayOfficial owner
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