All Posts in Five Nights at Sonic's(Bad Edition)

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Codes have been implemented and Yoshi's Ai was fixed. Time to re-release the game.

The next update to this game is going to fix Yoshi's ai when she's at your door and I will implement codes so you be able to get your progress back.(The Scratch Version will be unshared until then)

I'm not gonna start working on 2 right away, mainly because I have to physically go to the 2nd game and "take" the characters camera positions from there since they aren't on the wiki for some odd reason.


Can you guys give me some customized challenges to beat? Since this game doesn't have challenges, and I already beat 4/20, I don't know what to set the characters to. If you do, Each characters goes from 0 out of 20.

The Game is 100% Finished. Releasing in a couple minutes...

Well, the art is 100% Finished for this game

It's Finished. Time to beat 4/20
