Tranquility and serenity in the space...

it was a suicide mission from the start

Little Scrat doodle

Wanted to post something in @Valischli and @Sugar-Sweet new community so I thought of that one time scrat went to space

Drawing for the Space Dub community from @Sugar-Sweet ! A community they made all about space with astronauts, aliens, planets and the likes ๐ŸŒŒ๐ŸŒŒ

Feel free to join if you find those topics fun, it's only made recently but will be so cool frl

Welcome To


Rules to Follow

  • This community is dedicated to outer space, and for this it has to have related content :33

  • OC's can be: Astronauts, Aliens or Mythical Beings

  • No Nsfw, Gore or +18 in this healthy community or you will be executed

  • Send your imagination to fly! :D


@Sugar-Sweet owner
Report A community for 4 months