What's in your mind? :)

18.10.2024... 💔

Her name is Masya... She died due to stomach cancer...

Now she doesn't suffer anymore😭😭😭

🥀 R. I. P. 🥀

What I was doing in school be like:

Breaking News!

Oh today is my spawnday! Didn't notice lol

Out of boredom, I came up with a new character – Lio, a representative of the Dzo. This tribe worships Rodan(which is why Lio has a cloak resembling Rodan's wings). What do ya think about it? 🥱

Godzilla memes.

My favorite algebra 😝😝


That's all I'll have left on the General State Exam.

HorrorTober 2024 - (Art Challenge Month) Anyone participating, post/text me your work when done!

location: Freddy Fazbears Pizza Year:1993 Event: Birthday Party

Shin Godzilla + Zilla Jr =
