Trading in Team Fortress 2

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..." - Rick May (Soldier)
dose anyone have spare mantreads or base jumper. my user name is spy crab gaming

Can somebody trade killstreak kit to subzero. My marketplace no work
do anyone have any hats they don't what?
Does anyone have any beard-like cosmetic they can trade? And if yes, what would you trade it for?
i sold my old australium frontier justice for a shit deal without knowing know all i have thats good is a strange festive backburner help!

goddamn it key prices are lowering
earlier they were at 2.18 now its at 2.16 it used to be 2.50
i've got some engi weapons if anyone needs 'em.
i'll gladly trade for a taunt. (like, basically any taunt, unless it's the kazotsky kick, any engi taunt, or soldiers grave taunt, cause i already have 'em)
i am gathering scrap and reclaimed metal for the original, comment below if you wish to contribute
thanks, ghost pyro
What's the lowest someone is willing to sell a Mann Co. Orange paint can at?
The TF2 economy is broken because of what I have to say in the article.
(yes, I am prepared for hate)