"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..." - Rick May (Soldier)


i sourced on my filmmaker


Wait a minute!


Heavy sanvich

it’s true

Another tf2 meme #memes #tf2 #fixtf2

RU: Боже, храни королеву!
EN: Snipin's a good job!


Pyros on pl_upward

"Hold still!"

"You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best!"

Welcome to Team Fortress 2! After 9 years in development, hopefully, it was worth the wait!

April 8th, 2020, the voice of Soldier, Rick May, passed away from COVID-19, please pay your respects while you are here.

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best" - Rick May/Soldier.

Credit for TF2 Merc Lineup goes to VALVe

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