Share your creations!

Yeah...I think I'm being put on a watch list for looking this up...


Pyros are SO ANNOYING!!!!

This is day 39 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have the next construction mixel named Wuzzo.

Tell me if you have any retired Lego themes in your collection

Read article for more details

Join this community because I said so


Ok rules are simple, no porn and being racist… that’s kinda it.

self promoting is allowed, cuz why not.

Idk why you are still here, go post in the community!











Bruh, fine, sense you’re still here why not check to see if you’ve joined yet and you guessed it! join!














Bruh I’m running out of things to say!













What if I give you $10 to leave and join?

Ha! Jk! I’m broke! I’m just text guy with no physical form!
















Fine, you win, this is the end, congratulations!











Well, have a cookie














I don’t know what’s going on, I’ll just keep going forever and ever UNTIL YOU GIVE UP!!! HAHAHAHA!

















Ha! I just made you want to keep scrolling to prove me wrong! Well TO BAD! I give up. See ya! lol

Report A community for 7 months