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FNaTI 2017 out now for mobile!

Multiple languages for 2017R's subtitles?
What language is your native tongue? (if not listed, comment below)
176 votes Voting finished

2017 done and testing has commenced. Anyway,
starting work on 2017 Remastered's port.
How well does 2017 run on your device (so far)?
65 votes Voting finished
This community is for the fanmade FNaF/FNaTI series "The Lost Ones" owned by Malrat_
Here you can discuss anything around the Lost Ones series, post fanart and ask questions.
This community does not represent FNaTI in any official manor. I (Malrat_) am not the official holder or creator of the original Five Nights at Treasure Island, I am a developer making fangames of that.
Check out the Official Lost Ones Wiki!
Rules of the Community
Do not advertise your gamepages here for follows. You're more than free to advertise your gameplay videos on The Lost Ones on the gameplay channel but no where else.
You may advertise anything FNaTI or TLO related, but can only be in the misc channel
Don't submit anything containing NSFW content, along with; Sexism, racism or any offensive media. This can involve hate speech and drama.
Keep posts related to the theme of the community UNLESS it's in the misc channel. This can involve of your own art, media, or what not.