general in Those Nights Continuity Community

Considering making an whole newspaper page for Five Nights at Jebediah's: Reimagined. With extra lore around the "help wanted" part of the page. Or something like that.

The Old Times is now 3 followers away from being my most followed game (current most followed is Five Nights At Jebediah's: Remade with 23 followers)

2 days until release

Well I must have accidentally hit something cus I didn't intentionally hit record. And I didn't even use OBS like I usually use
Well I lied. I made the gamepage today! So make sure to follow. I guess?
Gamepage for Five Nights at Jebediah's: Reimagined will be made shortly after The Old Times full game Releases. And the teaser trailer maybe 1-2 weeks after that

3 days until release

4 days until release

5 days until release