general in Team Ruby

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Transmission - Camera-A1:

Transmission - Camera-A1
the speedpaint's of the fnas 2 joke, fnas 5 origin gameover screen and a remake of the majin sonic speedpaint.
i'll be premering it tonight. so subscribe to my youtube to see it! thanks for waiting
you know.. its crazy how one person can just lie on you for the stupidest reason ever. That just happeed to me.. best belived im pissed right now. Now i have to shut up about.
It's crazy how abuse towards women is offensive and violence but when its towards a men its just a friken joke to everyone. VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE treat every male and female the same you wanna be treated.
a word from me
ok so my 2 year anniversity on scratch ended a few days ago but i still wanna hold ant art competion for everyone. preatty simple, just make art of me and if i like the you might win. you have 3 days. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!