Game News in Twisted Tales Studios

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Happy Valentines Day ya all!
We are done with our Break too, and to start it off; The Catnits Sprite got updated. Hope you like them!

This is a little Post about my Interpretation of the previous Humans Souls.
Read Article for explanation.

Merry [CHRISMAAA] and Happy [NEO] Year!
The Team is still taking it's Break, but know that we arent dead yet [least i hope so]. There isn't anything major to announce so... Take this crude Deltafell Zatick Design I made lol.
'Till next Year!
Well after a Year of Inactivty; I finally decided to take the Step and restart with the Music. All of the previous Tracks, except for Winter (Demo), have been removed.
It doesnt mean Development is fully back up, but a bit.. maybe.

Well Ligtners and GentleDarkners; We have reached the End of August, Summer is Over!
Read more in Article.