All Posts in Just Talkin’
sorry for not posting the “days left” thingy but just to let you know the thing will be a comic on paper not a animated thingy lol- but anyways!
2 days left…
One last thing: the solar eclipse glasses block out all light but the sun which is cool cuz the only thing you can see when it’s on is the sun and you can faintly see other lights lol-
my school was handing out solar eclipse glasses! but no phone ones-
I’m finally unbanned! I got banned for saying the n-word to some one I known IN REAL LIFE- I didn’t even say it to someone random 💀
I got banned for 4 days 💀💀💀
Update: it WAS a earthquake and it was on the news they said it happened for 15 seconds then ANOTHER ONE HAPPENED A FEW HOURS AFTER-
Nah that first one woke me up, I was ready to hide under a table 💀💀💀