Game_Stuff in Just Talkin’


I Wish Someone made a VRchat model of me :((i want It to be low-poly btw)

Is there a way to make Ur own VRchat model or can someone make One for me?

My Drops lookin iced out rate 1 - 10

Anyone remember this Final Nights 4 build?

(Read article)

@gamejolt , How about having better moderation and making sure the chats don't break every 2 seconds instead of making pointless quests? That's an idea to consider, because this is getting problem is getting ridiculous.

FNAF Hot Take 3: The Joy of Creation Story Mode isn't that good. WAIT JUST A SECOND BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING. It is great. But it is not the best fangame ever, it has some flaws.